below you will find a list of the last four digits of the OSIS numbers of people in the class, along with a five letter code word. Please post a comment or send me an email with your codeword to confirm you have checked the blog.
8950 - bbjah
1893 - qpkaj
3853 - zzytn
2615 - jjajs
9409 - quahl
6872 - hhsga
9021 - bnxma
6990 - jqpwo
6352 - nnzna
2531 - mqpao
1679 - mansp
9200 - gsgah
9226 - bbzna
0598 - nnqma
6706 - mpaoq
Q25. The nodes are locations of zero amplitude, so these positions could be touched without disturbing the wave.
18. amplitude = 0.3500 meters, frequency = .8754 Hz, period = 1.142 seconds, total energy = .7411 J, KE = .6807 J and PE = .0604 J
51. 440 Hz, 880 Hz, 1320 Hz, 1760 Hz (fn = nv/2L)
53. 70 Hz, 140 Hz, 210 Hz, 350 Hz
55. nodes are always a half wavelength apart from each other - wavelength is 19.37 cm, so nodes are half of this, 9.685 cm.
56. 87.5 Hz, n = 3 and 4 for the given frequencies.
60. m = 4f2L2*mu/(n2g), so m = 1.421 kg, .355 kg, .0568 kg for (a), (b), and (c).
Web sites from today: Constructive/Destructive Interference
Reflected Waves - Waves traveling in opposite directions making standing waves
Standing Wave - nodes and antinodes - Vibrating string, standing waves fixed at both ends. - open/closed Tube with standing waves
The last link isnt working for me.
the second link isnt workin
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