Thanks to all who came to robotics this weekend - it was quite a blast. I hope the REACH session was also useful for those that went. Put the next one on your calendar, March 28th at Baruch College.
Please complete the form below to let me know when you will be meeting with me.
I apologize for leaving it out, but please use the image below with Problem 2 from the handout from today's lesson:
15. The change in flux causes an induced current within the aluminum. The magnetic field created by the induced current is attracted to the magnetic field of the bar magnet, opposing the force tending to pull the sheet out of the magnet. This induced magnetic field forms because of the induced current, not because the magnetic properties of aluminum.
16. We discussed this in class!
3. Counter clock-wise
4. Field lines going out from magnet to the right. Moving it through loop increases the flux going into loop towards the right. By Lenz' law, the induced current will increase the magnetic flux going into the loop towards the left. This will create a current that flows clockwise through the loop, and from right to left through the resistor.
a)The current through the outer loop decreases since the resistance increases. This means that the magnetic field (and therefore the flux) through the inner loop out of the page is decreasing. By Lenz's law, the induced current will attempt to increase the flux out of the page to oppose the change. This will come from a counter-clockwise current.
b) If the loop was moved outside to the left, the flux would be decreasing into the page through the loop. The induced current would try to increase flux into the page through the loop, which would result from a clockwise current.
a) counter-clockwise
b) clockwise
c) zero (no change in flux)
d) counter-clockwise
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