Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Series? Parallel? Neither? This question offends me.

Equivalent Resistance HW:
a) 2/3 R
b) 2 R
c) 15/2 R

a) Req = 6 Ohms
b) Req = 5 Ohms

Book HW:

2. Parallel lights - more difficult to connect, but all lights will stay on even if one goes out.
series lights - easy to connect lights together, but if one goes out, they all do!
4. For the bulbs in series, the current is the same. By P = I2R, the bulb with the largest resistance will have the highest power usage, and will therefore be the brightest.

If the bulbs are connected in parallel, the voltage is the same for each. The power equation becomes P = V2/R, which means the larger power will be used by the bulb with less resistance.

a) 360 Ohms
b) 8.89 Ohms
4. Maximum 2800 Ohms, minimum 261.4 Ohms
7. 4550 Ohms
13. 105.2 Ohms
24. I = 0.409 A.

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