Thursday, February 12, 2009

From the handout used on Thursday:

a) 8kQ^2/(5^3/2)a^2
b)E = kQ/4a^2 directed to the right
c) -9kQ/2a
d)very similar to the graph of y = x*e^(-x^2)
e)v = (9kQq/m)^(1/2)

a) left (-), right (+) from E field lines
b) 100 V
c) 1.3 x 10-10F
d) 8.0 x 10-16N directed to the right
e) by conservation of energy, v = 4.2 x 106m/s

i. 480 ohms, .25 A
ii. 360 ohms, .33 A
The resistances are the same as above. Since they are in series, the current rhough both is 0.143 A.
#3. in order, moving down the list: 2, 1, 3, 4
d) parallel: 70 W, series, 17.2 W

a) 20 V
b) Q = 3.0 x 10-8C
i. 30 V since current is zero!
ii. E = 0 inside any conductor.
iii. With 30 V over the two gaps, using V = Ed, E = 60,000 N/C

a) t = L/v0
b) a = Dv02/L2
c) E = mDv02/qL2
d) V = mD2v02/qL2

Electric Current exam tomorrow. You might also plan to meet with your partner to get an idea of what you will be trying during the break for the battery project.

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