Friday, February 22, 2008

Review Packet Answers

From the handout used on Thursday:

a) 8kQ^2/(5^3/2)a^2
b)E = kQ/4a^2 directed to the right
c) -9kQ/2a
d)very similar to the graph of y = x*e^(-x^2)
e)v = (9kQq/m)^(1/2)

a) left (-), right (+) from E field lines
b) 100 V
c) 1.3 x 10-10F
d) 8.0 x 10-16N directed to the right
e) by conservation of energy, v = 4.2 x 106m/s

i. 480 ohms, .25 A
ii. 360 ohms, .33 A
The resistances are the same as above. Since they are in series, the current rhough both is 0.143 A.
#3. in order, moving down the list: 2, 1, 3, 4
d) parallel: 70 W, series, 17.2 W

a) 20 V
b) Q = 3.0 x 10-8C
i. 30 V since current is zero!
ii. E = 0 inside any conductor.
iii. With 30 V over the two gaps, using V = Ed, E = 60,000 N/C

a) t = L/v0
b) a = Dv02/L2
c) E = mDv02/qL2
d) V = mD2v02/qL2

A reminder that we will have our Electric Current exam on Monday. The answers to the lab questions will be due as you enter class on Tuesday.

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