Thursday, February 28, 2008

Applications of the Magnetic Force

This site has a great description of how electric motors work.

Q11. Since the North pole is on the left, and the South pole is on the right, the B field lines go towards the right. Since the current is going into the page, and B is going to the right, by the RHR the force will be towards the top of the page.

Q17. The kinetic energy will stay constant since the magnetic force (which is also the net force acting on the particle) is always perpendicular to the velocity. This means acceleration is always perpendicular to velocity, which only occurs when an object is in uniform circular motion. Uniform circular motion is characterized by a constant speed, and by KE = 1/2mv^2, a constant kinetic energy.

P14. The equation we derived yesterday comes up in this problem: qvB = mv^2/R. The difficult part is that we can write speed in terms of the radius: 2*pi*R/T = v. Making this substitution results in the expression .5mv^2 = 2*pi*qBR^2/T where T is the period of revolution.

15. qvB = mv^2/R, so the momentum mv = qBR.

17. I = 1.985 Amperes, magnetic field is directed into the page through the loop formed by the bars and the rails.

55. This is very similar to our result from class, but we don't know the speed of the particle when it enters the magnetic field. We DO know the particle is accelerated through a potential difference V...How can we relate a change in potential of a charge Q to the final speed it has if it starts at rest?

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